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583 lines (577 loc) · 82.3 KB

File metadata and controls

583 lines (577 loc) · 82.3 KB

v3.4.0 (2024-06-19)

  • feat: use database for credentials + expiry (prototype) view
  • feat: utils for database view
  • feat: read options from database view
  • start new design view
  • update view
  • solve merge conflict view
  • update view
  • WIP view
  • merge master view
  • fix: cookie + database fixes view
  • UI layout changes view
  • update working code view
  • add multiple clustering positions view
  • add pacmap dependency view
  • update. sync. view
  • code update view
  • refactor module view
  • refactor module view
  • resolve merge conflict view
  • sync view
  • work in progress view
  • progress update view
  • add new file view
  • various updates view
  • add missing value ratio plot view
  • update view
  • cleanup view
  • clean virtualenv folder view
  • work in progress view
  • change histogram view
  • resolve merge conflicts view
  • remove commented out view
  • fix: umap different view
  • fix: umap mismatch problem view
  • test wizard in upload view
  • feat: add modal wizard to the upload module view
  • Dbg: add bslib components to test container overflow view
  • upload_panel now sits in wizard container view
  • temporary height calculation to fit tabs into wizard container view
  • initial wizard styles on omicsplayground view
  • improve button spacing view
  • improve color style of navbar steps when steps succeed view
  • feat: upload new data button now works view
  • feat: upload button now has bigomics styles view
  • improve styles of margins view
  • improve button border color style view
  • feat: disable upload tab and handle upload UI directly via modal calls view
  • disable hardcoded height and width view
  • fix typo view
  • remove y parameter view
  • feat: upload module can now be triggered via load dataset module button view
  • clean up; style upload button in load module view
  • pass new_upload to WelcomeBoard; refactor WelcomeBoard into inputs/ui/server standard view
  • feat: modal upload can now be triggered by welcome board view
  • feat: upload module is not triggered at startup view
  • initial attempt to embed data preview tables in wizard view
  • samples and contrasts table preview added to wizard view
  • separate wizarrd steps for samples, counts and contrasts as a ui function view
  • feat: Add legend and checklist to upload_table_preview_counts_ui via server rendering view
  • replace fluidRow and column by flex components (via bslib) view
  • add checklist to upload_table_preview_samples ui and server view
  • add checklist to upload_table_preview_contrasts ui and server view
  • attempt to render table server-side view
  • Move tablemodule UI to server side view
  • feat: dynamically render UI based on input of counts view
  • remvove unused component view
  • minor fix view
  • remove unused component view
  • feat: counts are now passing directly from counts_ui to checked_counts view
  • feat: wizard can now be locked based on state of input file view
  • clean up of unused observers; remove sample check at counts level view
  • better organize upload_module_preview, placing functions at the end view
  • add buttons for removing input and downloading example and move button UI to server side view
  • dynamic UI of counts switch to listening to upload instead of widget input, so we can have better control with counts check; add style view
  • feat: restyle buttons and load example counts when clicking load_example button view
  • Refactor fileInput2 to fileInputArea view
  • dynamically render remove_counts button view
  • Refactor upload_table_preview_samples_ui and upload_table_preview_samples_server functions to accomodate new upload layout view
  • Refactor upload_table_preview_samples_ui and upload_table_preview_sample_server functions to accomodate new upload layout view
  • temporary style fix for width of fileInputArea and control buttons view
  • attempt to pass wizard finished event to R: works in demo but not in OPG view
  • add link targets for documentation view
  • feat: logic for counts when other input files are uploaded view
  • clean up unused components view
  • disable navigation bar to switch steps; change text of final wizard button (submit) view
  • feat: handle deletion of samples when contrasts are already uploaded view
  • remove obsolete tabsetpanel tab control view
  • rename step title for comparisons view
  • remove unused logic view
  • remove unused compute button in pgxcompute view
  • remove browser; add todo view
  • feat: contrast builder is embedded into contrasts_ui view
  • feat: dynamically render contrast builder view
  • contrast maker correctly responses to button input view
  • remove bslib modal (conflict with bsutils) view
  • fix typo view
  • remove - from namespace view
  • feat: wizard now sends message to compute and active step view
  • feat: upload module now responds to wizard commands view
  • fix issue with removing files (remove input button) view
  • add print for dbg view
  • temporarily skip informing user via modals that additional upstream files will be deleted view
  • bring organism to computepgx view
  • add basic logic to validate compute tab inputs and prevent missing inputs being accepted for computation view
  • attempt to lock computer step view
  • remove redundant styles view
  • feat: rename compute tab and add an additional tab for review, to avoid the locking issues view
  • move inputs to parent component in order to control the wizard (un)locking view
  • fix reactivity in upload module, in order to pass computepgx results to main server view
  • fix reactivity and add boilerplate to control (un)locking of Dataset description view
  • attempt: control wizard contrast step via commands in upload-server (event listener not working) view
  • minor fix in contrast logic (req assignment) view
  • feat: contrasts step now (un)locks depending on modified_ct view
  • fix comparisons locking when user deleted manually all comparisons in comparison builder view
  • wizard partially locks based on inputs from dataset description fields view
  • add upload_name to dataset description unlocking requirements view
  • Refactor input variable names in upload_module_computepgx.R view
  • add upload_name to observer in order to lock/unlock wizard view
  • clean up view
  • fix issue with req inhibiting the locking of wizard when user removes input variables (name, description...); minor fix when state of variable is "" and not null view
  • attempt to refactor options for better ui view
  • refactor compute/options to layout grid and cards to avoid conflicts view
  • fix issue with fillCol layout not assigning correct display sizes to compute/options view
  • bs alert now does not affect compute/options view
  • bypass upload_module_outliers (crashing) in order to test computation; clean up view
  • minor style fix in contrast command buttons (remove div of remove_contrasts) view
  • fix buttons alignining all to the right view
  • comparisons buttons now separate left (cancel) and right (other buttons) view
  • disable bsalert until we find a solution for the height adjustment (server side issue) view
  • minor fix view
  • feat: block new uploads if we already have a processx computation running view
  • remove example data multi-species view
  • fix for passing reactVals to params object: some variables were not treated as reactVal view
  • minor fix in variable assignment in params.RData view
  • fix merging conflict view
  • fix merge issue where a missing component was left behind view
  • bring process_counter to parent component so it can be used to block new wizard upload when a computation is active view
  • improve styling of wizard buttons to match load board styles view
  • improve style of run comparison builder view
  • move run_contrasts to the left, in order to make the load and document button standard across all steps view
  • test a different modal type view
  • attempt to add shinyvalidate to computepgx text input view
  • feat: shinyvalidate now works! view
  • clean up view
  • attempt to bring back countstats to review step in wizard view
  • feat: countsstats is displays correctly and checkTables deprecated input removed view
  • Add upload_plot_phenostats module to board.upload, remove deprecated checkTables view
  • add contraststats to review in wizard step; attempt to fix display units issue view
  • stat plots: disable download and maximize, as it has modal conflicts view
  • add basic text output for user review before computing view
  • split the plots from text input (paralel column via fluidRow) view
  • convert text output to html view
  • feat: manage to render the plots in correct size (with a lot of flickering) view
  • display text inputs as columns, display on top of plots view
  • add vertical space between input recep and plots view
  • install wizardR view
  • feat: initial prototype of wizard reset view
  • install bsutils with fix view
  • feat: wizard reset on new upload view
  • remove reset button view
  • reset inputs upon wizard reset (new upload) view
  • fix issue with unlocking wizard when inputs are selected view
  • temporarily remove shinyvalidate (conflicts with wizard) view
  • update base to v3; change repo of wizardR for faster testing orutine view
  • force install latest bsutils to add fix for wizard view
  • force wizard install view
  • remove shinyvalidate in auth to test wizard view
  • remove shinyalert pop up in home to test wizard view
  • temporarily disable shinyalert at auth view
  • bring back bsutils modal as there is no conflict with bootstrap 5 view
  • feat: wizard works without conflicts with shinyvalidate and shinyalert (preventing re-initialization) view
  • reduce height slightly view
  • remove review panel (revisit needed) view
  • restore shinyalert modals to alert user that counts.samples, contrasts will be deleted if a previous file is deleted view
  • fix minor issue that removed input files when users opted not to view
  • bring comparison builder reactive to parent component for better control and reset; clean up view
  • remove unused pcaplot; add samples as template for selectInput (dbg) view
  • feat: pass wizard controls to fire updateSelectInput exactly when contrast builder is triggered view
  • remove browser view
  • remove print statement view
  • remove merge issue with startup modal (now defined server-side) view
  • create a single menu item for datasets (loading datasets page) view
  • removed unused startupmodal.scss view
  • #TODO identify why newuploadbutton if being triggered when dataset computation is finished view
  • minor fix for test deployment: keep old left sidebar structure to avoid conflicts view
  • feat: validate dataset name is not at upload_server level for better wizard control view
  • remove unnecessary control (wizard server control already checks for description input) view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • minor comment fix view
  • revert shinyvalidate as there is no longer conflicts with wizard view
  • bring back custom genesets incompatibility alert (no more conflicts with wizard) view
  • move wizard download to stable repo (bigomics) view
  • feat: end of computation does not trigger new wizard upload view
  • attempt to edit the left sidebar menu (failed) view
  • fix: unload sidebar correctly view
  • fix issue with samples/contrast tables not displaying correct values in columns view
  • remove obsolete code view
  • add filename check for counts, so count has to be present in filename view
  • minor fix; log2 detection needs review (move to pgx checks or to parent server?) view
  • fix issue where counts with errors were not shown in counts preview view
  • fix: clean sidebar when loading welcome board view
  • clean: not necessary double cleaning view
  • remove unnecessary insanity check (handled at check level) view
  • refactor contrast builder so we store the conditions in a reactive value view
  • minor improvements view
  • feat: reset conditions when user add contrast view
  • feat: prevent updateTextInput newname observer to change upon reset of builder view
  • fix Error in if: argument is of length zero: input$contrast had invalid condition check view
  • remove dbg statements; clean up view
  • reset comparison name when adding contrast view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • add checks for samples/counts/contrasts in filename; return error if grep if false view
  • feat: shinyvalidate does not need to to be triggered at page trigger view
  • feat: improve ux by warning user that a locked button was clicked view
  • snapshot review view
  • move wizard reset to observer that trigger wizard; add integration with re-analize dataset view
  • clean up view
  • clean up and remove reset_upload, a deprecated reactive view
  • minor fix in logic to trigger new upload when a dataset is re-computed view
  • fix issue with display height and width: add fill container attributes view
  • fix additional tabs display h/w view
  • bring back bottom margin between tables and buttons; clean up view
  • clean up and fix issue with v/h alignment of fileInputArea form-group view
  • fix minor issue with fill container in contrasts step view
  • rename contrasts to comparisons; rename contrast builder button view
  • add switch screen to contrasts, giving user option to build online or upload contrasts view
  • align buttons; add logic for page switch and debug statements view
  • fix minor issue; remove dbg statements view
  • add message to user on how to proceed with online or upload contrast options view
  • improve styles view
  • reset dataset name and description to empty values when wizard resets view
  • include steps in upload navbar titles view
  • rename "Load" to "Analyze" datasets in several modules view
  • Fix missing load dataset naming view
  • fix issue where clicking "analyze dataset" without any dataset selected crashed the platform view
  • remove unused code view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • fix merge conflict view
  • change labels of comparison redirect button view
  • adjust style of comparison redirect buttons view
  • add step number to dataset description; update controls for the step view
  • fix issue with comparison builder not showing sample phenotypes view
  • avoid pgx overwrite if dataset name matches a previous pgx file (raise error and invalidate new dataset name) view
  • add icons that match button description in contrast navigation view
  • improve UI; match color/style of contrast builder button across entire upload view
  • improve style of comparison upload widget text view
  • add buttons to comparison builder to match other steps view
  • only show buttons if comparison builder is selected view
  • move auto detect ui button to wizard step level view
  • connect logic of wizard step addcontrast button to makecontrast view
  • minor fix: replace contrast with comparison view
  • fix uppercase in Check documentation; rename auto detect comparison button view
  • switch navbar from progress to dots; increase wizard size slightly view
  • rename buttons to reset computation and pop up to warn user only one computation is allowed view
  • fix issue with comparison in the filename triggering invalid input view
  • feat: centralize all warnings to give real-time feedback to use (in alerts, embed in wizard...) view
  • feat: add shinyalert with error message only view
  • fix crash when summary checks does not have any error view
  • minor fix and refactoring for when there are no error in summary view
  • fix typo: bring back alert message for error summary; remove browser view
  • minor fix for cases with mixed warnings/errors view
  • add alert when summary is not length 0 but we have only warnings as checks view
  • update view
  • change layout/design in new upload view
  • add file view
  • rename checked_samples; return both crosschecked counts and samples view
  • refactor checked_contrasts view
  • refactor check_samples calls view
  • fix issue with phenotypes not appearing in comparison builder view
  • clean up view
  • layout changes: buttons & add bs_alert view
  • layout changes: buttons & add bs_alert view
  • layout changes: buttons & add bs_alert view
  • layout changes: buttons & add bs_alert view
  • remove margin to allow exit button to sit on the right side view
  • cleanup view
  • attempt to replace wizard tracking from title to assigned id view
  • fix missing refactoring in makecontrast view
  • improvement in alert message when step is incomplete view
  • add dash view
  • fix flex item issue in bs_alert view
  • edit dash width view
  • add fill item to bs_alert view
  • fix alignment issue in samples/contrasts view
  • attempt to improve bs_alert layout view
  • apply layout styles to samples/comparisons view
  • minor fix to samples layout style view
  • attempt to refactor computation description fields view
  • improve styles of description step view
  • attempt to adjust options cards view
  • fix issue with options cards displaying next to the description input fields view
  • attempt to set description layout to two columns view
  • adjust order of columns view
  • improve style of computation options view
  • align computation options text in center view
  • add margin; reduce height of computation options view
  • add margin bottom to description title view
  • improve spacing between computation options; reorder description inputs view
  • increase gap between description inputs view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • cleanup: no_sharing duplicated code view
  • reduce gap between description fields view
  • fix sharing_alert view
  • add rv to store gx/gset methods in parent env view
  • minor fix view
  • move alert to upload_server view
  • remove unnecessary comma view
  • trigger observer when rv is null view
  • refactor; clean up view
  • fix typo view
  • minor improvement in message view
  • attempt to display comparison builder first view
  • minor fix in comparison builder: restart wizard with builder active view
  • keep expression correction; move log detection to check counts view
  • warn user that expression was converted back to intensities view
  • attempt to add log transformation warning logic view
  • update shinyalert and fix minor issues view
  • minor improvements in message view
  • clean up view
  • attempt to rewrite ref$df from counts_log_correction namespace view
  • attempt to fix reactivity issue caused by shinyalert view
  • attempt to refactor shinyalert warning view
  • demote shinyalert for now view
  • comment req view
  • minor fix view
  • remove dbg statement view
  • add (temporary) message to inform user log reverse correction has been applied view
  • add button to redirect to batch correction view
  • minor fix in button layout view
  • add basic template for batch correction in counts step view
  • minor fix view
  • fix conflict between remove_counts and batch correction buttons view
  • move batch correction to comparison step view
  • move logic of BC to comparison view
  • move show BC button and observer to comparison step; initial prototype working view
  • fix issue with double UI view
  • add margin bottom to avoid BC getting too close with buttons view
  • prevent BC from being called without any contrast view
  • adjust message; remove dbg statements view
  • fix issue with BC button not triggering when data fed via upload and not builder view
  • feat: add default step layout to batch correction module view
  • tag v3.4.4 && update changelog view
  • add option to leave BC; reset BC state when wizard resets; improve leave BC button view
  • edit: rename usersettings to appsettings view
  • fix issue with compute button not working; fix crash at pgx name crash view
  • add batch correction module to wizard upload view
  • add overflow that respects limits of button div view
  • disable batch correction panel view
  • update shinyalert messages for each input view
  • simplify code view
  • minor fix to message; minor typo fixed view
  • review: snapshots reviewed view
  • fix: move specific packages after playbase installation view
  • temp fix: to be removed after deploying new base image view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • report branch at initialization view
  • snapshot review view
  • feat: option to color or not (up/down reg) volcano plots view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • feat: echo playbase branch view
  • fix: show info text when no geneset is selected view
  • test: to be removed view
  • test: pass build arg to docker build view
  • test: pass correct argument view
  • test: use a non GITHUB_* variable view
  • test: inject HEAD_REF view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • test: reviewed snapshots view
  • fix: remove test -- workflow is now fixed view
  • test: update duration view
  • revert: test duration view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • snapshot review view
  • fix: use pgx geneset genes view
  • test: increase duration view
  • increase idle threshold (so it does not timeout during idle) view
  • run gha in test docker view
  • install plsRcox with Matrix == 1.6.0 view
  • add rat orgdb view
  • ad missing packages to main docker view
  • install plsRcox before playbase view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • review snapshots view
  • build docker from opg:latest view
  • minor fix in passing arguments to params object view
  • fix incorrect declaration of steps view
  • install orthogene and missing dependencies view
  • test: add subtabs to the snapshots view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • test: add more time for connectivity tab view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • test: change input for enrichment tab view
  • test: add extra wait for enrichment view
  • test: move fdr change view
  • minor fix for cases when samples_counts crosscheck fails (declare vairables) view
  • test: more wait time view
  • check if files are csv (in case of drag and drop) view
  • feat: aux function to check if user in DB view
  • feat: if user in DB use it, otherwise use user folder OPTIONS view
  • fix: remove browser view
  • fix: remove unused values view
  • test: reviewed timings view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • review: snapshots view
  • test: remove connectivity board view
  • test: increase timer view
  • test: use timeout argument + bring back connectivity view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • test: add 3 sec duration view
  • test: more time for connectivity view
  • fix: remove unused wait view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • fix: extra time + connectivity more duration view
  • feat: extra duration for clustering board view
  • snapshot review view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • test: upper threshold view
  • fix: threshold view
  • test: bigger enrichment time view
  • unfinished merge view
  • add ssh to github actions view
  • test: open ssh view
  • test: remove ssh view
  • snapshot review view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • review: snapshots + threshold back to 10 view
  • attempt to fix seurat install view
  • do not upgrade dependencies when installing seurat view
  • Revert "do not upgrade dependencies when installing seurat" view
  • annothub installs view
  • attempt to fix orthogene install view
  • install Matrix.utils (required for orthogene) view
  • minor fix for docker opg view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • split module_preview files view
  • feat: colo up/down MA plot view
  • fix: add plot options view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • snapshot review view
  • fix not responsive close button view
  • simplify installation view
  • fix: robust file extension detection view
  • install rgeos, print steps to stdout view
  • fix dependency issue view
  • add base update target in Makefile (do not build entire base) view
  • add required installs for base.update view
  • attempt to fix multiple install issues view
  • fix for Seurat: namespace ‘Matrix’ 1.6-0 is being loaded, but >= 1.6.3 is required view
  • clean up docker file view
  • fix Matrix version view
  • attempt to fix [processx.1:stderr] Error in irlba::irlba(L, nv = n, nu = 0, maxit = iters) : [processx.1:stderr] function 'as_cholmod_sparse' not provided by package 'Matrix' view
  • feat: act matrix with plotly view
  • remove obsolete updateSelectInput in upload server view
  • remove unnecessary filter for ensembl db in biomart view
  • ifelse on mart column view
  • add left=NULL parameter view
  • feat: disable legen on small plot view
  • fix: detect colored columns after modifying df view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • snapshot review view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • snap review view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • snap review view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • snap review view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • snap review view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • snap review view
  • fix: change drugconnect color scale + order view
  • feat: drugconnect actmatrix change color gradient view
  • feat: pathway actmatrix change color ramp view
  • feat: pathway invert y axis view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • snap review view
  • fix: do not check user on credentials on this auth metdho view
  • fix: use db when logged with cookie view
  • clean view
  • fix: if no labels matched return plain wikipath view
  • v3.3.5 view
  • update version view
  • fix: use mail variable, not reactive view
  • fix: use dir variable, not reactive view
  • fix: use req with a logic condition view
  • edit VERSION view

v3.3.4 (2024-04-29)

  • fix: plot tissue csv view
  • fix: plot barplot csv view
  • fix: plot decisiontree csv view
  • fix: plot boxplot csv view
  • fix: plot heatmap csv view
  • fix: plot correlation csv view
  • fix: plot volcanomethods csv view
  • adding an invite button in menu bar view
  • working view
  • add file view
  • Snapshot test failed: use snapshot_review('snapshot/') (GHA) view
  • v3.3.0: out of beta view
  • set target blank to open a new tab view
  • swag page does not exist, redirect to opg standard page view
  • update view
  • fix: Partial correlation network csv download view
  • fix: Mechanism of action csv download view
  • fix: Activation matrix csv download view
  • fix: Similarity scores csv download view
  • fix: upload files check view
  • fix: singlecell broken csv download (removed them) view
  • fix: Enrichment analysis csv download view
  • fix: Frequency in top gene sets csv download view
  • replace chirp button with Reddit; remove shinyChatR dependency view
  • fix: Differential expression analysis csv download view
  • fix: Dataset abundance of major gene types csv download view
  • fix: Abundance of major gene types per group csv download view
  • refactor code as InviteFriend shiny module view
  • fix: Contrast table csv download view
  • fix: Correlation scatter plots csv download view
  • add email checks view
  • add number of succesfull registered view
  • add number of succesfull registered view
  • cleanup view
  • app test review view
  • v3.3.1: adding invite/referral button view
  • fix: abort invite if no mail server view
  • fix: abort invite if no mail server view
  • change already subscribed message view
  • fix modal-title right margin view
  • fix modal-title right margin view
  • update names in credits view
  • update names in credits view
  • update names in credits view
  • fix: Expression of top differentially expressed genes csv download view
  • fix: Gene in comparisson csv download view
  • rename file to match function names view
  • clustersamples pca now has legends - but subplot needs to be deactivated view
  • fix axis title names for single plots (subplot still erases titles) view
  • add invite message view
  • fix: QC tab not appearing view
  • v3.3.2: fix Sample QC tab view
  • redesign title of highlight popup view
  • change capitalization view
  • fix: use custom genelist when selected view
  • install sf package on requirements and in docker opg build view
  • edit messages view
  • edit messages view
  • fix: unresponsive close button in modal view
  • remove dbg message view
  • remove dbg message view
  • remove dbg message view
  • fix: sending invite view
  • change: simplify invite message view
  • change: simplify invite message view
  • add personal email check for invite view
  • add personal email check for invite view
  • new: add detection of mobile and show warning view
  • version 3.3.3 view
  • add shinybrowser to dependencies view
  • refactor invite click view
  • remove gadget code view
  • new version: v3.3.4 view
  • version: v3.3.4.9001 view
  • revert to v3.3.4 view
  • fix: reactivity feature map plots view
  • add indentation view
  • edit view
  • fix: show all contrasts view
  • testing featuremap server view
  • testing featuremap server view
  • fix: react on contrasts missing in pgx view
  • v4.4.3 view
  • pin stable on v3.3.4. now on v3.3.4.9001 view
  • edit default OPTIONS view
  • change: add numpgx and maxpgx in error message view
  • update view
  • edit storage fullmessage view