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328 lines (275 loc) · 19.7 KB

File metadata and controls

328 lines (275 loc) · 19.7 KB

Please see for changes between releases.



  • Bump required ruby version to >= 2.4 #772
  • [Revert #677] Fix column default annotations #768

Project Improvements

  • Refactor by adding AnnotateRoutes::Helpers #770
  • Bump puma from 4.3.1 to 4.3.3 in /spec/integration/rails_6.0.2.1 #771
  • Bump puma from 3.12.2 to 4.3.3 in /spec/integration/rails_5.2.4.1 #769
  • Bump nokogiri from 1.10.7 to 1.10.8 in /spec/integration/rails_5.2.4.1 #766
  • Bump nokogiri from 1.10.7 to 1.10.8 in /spec/integration/rails_6.0.2.1 #765
  • Refactor test cases of AnnotateRoutes #760
  • Rename FactoryGirl -> FactoryBot comment #759



  • Fix new lines after comments for rubocop compatibility #757
  • Fix messages from AnnotateRoutes #737
  • Support YARD notation #724
  • Refactor AnnotateRoutes.routes_file_exist? #716
  • Refactor namespace Annotate #719
  • Add columns managed by Globalize gem #602

Bug Fixes

  • Fix additional_file_patterns parsing #756
  • Fix typo in README #752
  • Fix bin/annotate NoMethodError #745
  • Fix README for YARD format #740
  • Fix constant names that were not renamed in #721 #739
  • Replace soft-deprecated constant HashWithIndifferentAccess to ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess #699
  • Fix #570 Change of foreign key should be considered as a column change
  • Fix #430 Handle columns from activerecord-postgis-adapter #694
  • Add ActiveAdmin option to template #693
  • Fix foreign key issue with Rails 6 and Sqlite3 #695
  • Fix Serializers Test Directory #625
  • Fix #624 Correct default values for columns when ActiveRecord::Enum is used #677
  • Fix #675 Correct indentation for double-byte characters #676
  • FIX: Ensure only one line is around the annotation #669
  • Fix shifted when format_markdown option enabled and used non-ascii #650

Project improvements

  • Refactor RSpec for AnnotateModels - structuralize test cases #755
  • Refactor test cases of AnnotateRoutes as for Rake versions #754
  • Add integration tests to project #747
  • Refactor test cases for AnnotateRoutes.remove_annotations #748
  • Refactor RSpec for AnnotateModels - with Globalize gem #749
  • Fixed to add link to each PR #751
  • Delete integration test fixtures #746
  • Remove remaining integration test files #744
  • Remove unworking integration tests #725
  • Refactor Annotate::Parser #742
  • Refactor RSpec for AnnotateModels (4) - AnnotateModels.get_schema_info (without custom options) #735
  • Refactor RSpec for AnnotateRoutes (1) #736
  • Refactor AnnotateRoutes.rewrite_contents #734
  • AnnotateModels.get_schema_info (with custom options) #732
  • Fix typo in RSpec of AnnotateModels #731
  • Remove AnnotateRoutes.rewrite_contents_with_header #730
  • Refactor AnnotateRoutes.annotate_routes and .rewrite_contents_with_header #729
  • Refactor AnnotateModels::Parser #728
  • Remove invalid document of AnnotateRoutes.rewrite_contents #727
  • Refactor RSpec for AnnotateModels (1) #726
  • Refactor AnnotateModels::Helpers #723
  • Refactor AnnotateRoutes.remove_annotations #715
  • Fix AnnotateRoutes.extract_magic_comments_from_array #712
  • Rename FactoryGirl to FactoryBot #721
  • Refactor AnnotateRoutes.header #714
  • Freeze constant AnnotateRoutes::HEADER_ROW #713
  • Add constants MAGIC_COMMENT_MATCHER #711
  • Rename method and variable of AnnotateRoutes for readability #709
  • Refactor lib/annotate.rb #707
  • Delete #700
  • Tidy README #701
  • Convert documentation files to Markdown #697
  • Upgrade and fix CI #698
  • Add upgrade instructions to README #687
  • Fix Github release action #682


  • Use a less error-prone way of specifying gem files #662
  • Update rake requirement from >= 10.4, < 13.0 to >= 10.4, < 14.0 #659
  • Bump nokogiri from to 1.10.4 in /spec/integration/rails_4.2.0 #655
  • Default annotate models to true in config generated by rails g annotate:install #671
  • Bump loofah from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 in /spec/integration/rails_4.2.0 #681


  • Fixes LoadError due to gemspec not referencing parser.rb, issue #657 #660
  • Changes --additional_file_patterns to use dashes --additional-file-patterns for consistency #649
  • Refactor: moving constants into constants.rb #653


  • Skipped as an official release, used the 3.0.1 patch for setting up Github Actions #619


  • Breaking: when option models is not set - models will not be annotated by default.

    Add 'models'=>'true' to your config manually or use --models option if using CLI.

  • Added --models CLI option fixing issue #563 #647

  • Added --additional_file_patterns option for additional file patterns #633 #636 #637

  • Refactored CLI parser #646

  • Fixed deprecation warning #634

  • Fixed annotations for columns with long data types #622

  • Made methods private in AnnotateRoutes #598













  • Support foreigh key #241
  • Check if model has skip tag in annotate_model_file #167
  • Fix issue where serializer-related flags weren't being honored #246
  • Prefer SQL column type over normalized AR type #231


  • Nothing annotated unless options[:model_dir] is specified, #234


  • Nothing annotated unless options[:model_dir] is specified, #234


  • Makes it possible to wrap annotations, #225
  • Fix single model generation, #214
  • Fix default value for Rails 4.2, #212
  • Don't crash on inherited models in subdirectories, #232
  • Process model_dir in rake task, #197


  • Skip "models/concerns", #194
  • Fix #173 where annotate says "Nothing to annotate" in rails 4.2
  • Display an error message if not run from the root of the project, #186
  • Support rails 4.0 new default test directory, #182
  • Add an option to show timestamp in routes "-timestamp", #136
  • Skip plain ruby objects if they have the same class name as an ActiveRecord object, #121


  • Fix bug of annotate position in routes #158


  • Retain the current annotate block unless --force is specified
  • Always load models, since they may not be autoloaded by Rails
  • The pg array type is now detected (see #158)


  • support for composite_primary_keys (garysweaver)
  • bug fix for annotate_one_file (vlado)


  • It's now possible to use Annotate in standalone ActiveRecord (non-Rails) projects again.
  • Adding note that Markdown is actually MultiMarkdown, and recommending the use of the kramdown engine for parsing it.
  • Improved Markdown formatting considerably.
  • Bugfix: Needed to use inline-code tag for column and table names, otherwise underscores would cause havok with the formatting.
  • Bugfix: Markdown syntax was incorrect (can't have trailing spaces before the closing marker for an emphasis tag).
  • Bugfix: Remove-annotations wasn't properly finding test/spec files, and wasn't even looking for FactoryGirl factories under the new naming convention.
  • Bugfix: Load the Rakefile from the current directory, not the first Rakefile in our load path.
  • Added support for new FactoryGirl naming convention.
  • Fix behavior of route annotations in newer versions of Rake that don't spit out the CWD as their first line of output.
  • Overhauled integration testing system to be much easier to work with, better compartmentalized, and so forth -- at the cost that you must be using RVM to utilize it. (It'll spit out appropriate pending messages if you don't.) Also includes a mode for "tinkering" by hand with a scenario, and won't let you run it through rspect if the repo is in a dirty state. Added appropriate rake tasks to help with all of this.
  • Routes can now be appended, pre-pended, or removed -- and do sane things in all cases.
  • Expose all position_* variables as CLI params.
  • Make ENV ['position'] work as a default for all the ENV ['position_*'] variables.
  • Make rake tasks more resilient to unusual circumstances / code loading behavior.
  • Resolve annotate vs. annotate_models ambiguity once and for all by settling on annotate_models and annotate_routes. This avoids a name collision with RMagick while not needlessly overloading the term.
  • Fixed that schema kept prepending additional newlines
  • Updates to make annotate smarter about when to touch a model
  • Recognize column+type, and don't change a file unless the column+type combination of the new schema are different than that of the old (i.e., don't regenerate if columns happen to be in a different order. That's just how life is sometimes)
  • Change annotate to use options hash instead of ENV.


  • Works better with Rails 3
  • Bugfix: schema kept prepending additional newlines
  • Updates to make annotate smarter about when to touch a model
  • Recognize column+type, and don't change a file unless the column+type combination of the new schema are different than that of the old (i.e., don't regenerate if columns happen to be in a different order. That's just how life is sometimes.)
  • Grab old specification even if it has \r\n as line endings rather than pure \ns
  • Various warning and specification fixes
  • Fix "no such file to load -- annotate/annotate_models (MissingSourceFile)" error (require statements in tasks now use full path to lib files)
  • warn about macros, to mitigate when we're included during a production run, not just a rakefile run -- possibly at the expense of too much noise
  • Adding rake as a runtime dependency
  • If the schema is already in the model file, it will be replaced into the same ___location. If it didn't previously exist, it'll be placed according to the "position", as before.
  • Allow task loading from Rakefile for gems (plugin installation already auto-detects).
  • Add skip_on_db_migrate option as well for people that don't want it
  • Fix options parsing to convert strings to proper booleans
  • Add support for Fabrication fabricators
  • Leave magic encoding comment intact
  • Fix issue #14 - RuntimeError: Already memoized
  • Count a model as 'annotated' if any of its tests/fixtures are annotated
  • Support FactoryGirl
  • Support :change migrations (Rails 3.1)
  • Allow models with non-standard capitalization
  • Widen type column so we can handle longtexts with chopping things off.
  • Skip trying to get list of models from commandline when running via Rake (was preventing the use of multiple rake tasks in one command if one of them was db:migrate).
  • Add ability to skip annotations for a model by adding # -*- SkipSchemaAnnotations anywhere in the file.
  • Don't show column limits for integer and boolean types.
  • Add sorting for columns and indexes. (Helpful for out-of-order migration execution. Use --sort if you want this.)
  • Annotate unit tests in subfolders.
  • Add generator to install rakefile that automatically annotates on db:migrate.
  • Correct Gemfile to clarify which environments need which gems.
  • Add an .rvmrc to facilitate clean development.
  • Refactor out ActiveRecord monkey-patch to permit extending without side-effects.
  • Use ObjectSpace to locate models to facilitate handling of models with non-standard capitalization. Note that this still requires that the inflector be configured to understand the special case.
  • Shore up test cases a bit.
  • Merge against many of the older branches on Github whose functionality is already reflected to reduce confusion about what is and is not implemented here.
  • Accept String or Symbol for :position (et al) options.
  • Add RDoc output formatting as an option.
  • Add Markdown output formatting as an option.
  • Add option to force annotation regeneration.
  • Add new configuration option for controlling where info is placed in fixtures/factories.
  • Fix for models without tables.
  • Fix gemspec generation now that Jeweler looks at Gemfile.
  • Fix warning: NOTE: Gem::Specification#default_executable= is deprecated with no replacement. It will be removed on or after 2011-10-01.
  • Fix handling of files with no trailing newline when putting annotations at the end of the file.
  • Now works on tables with no primary key.
  • --format=markdown option
  • --trace option to help debug "Unable to annotate" errors
  • "Table name" annotation (if table name is different from model name)
  • "Human name" annotation (enabling translation to non-English locales)
  • Fix JRuby ObjectSpace compatibility bug (#85)
  • Fix FactoryGirl compatibility bug (#82)

2.4.2 2009-11-21

  • Annotates (spec|test)/factories/<model>_factory.rb files

2.4.1 2009-11-20

  • Annotates thoughtbot's factory_girl factories (test/factories/<model>_factory.rb)
  • Move default annotation position back to top

2.4.0 2009-12-13

  • Incorporated lots of patches from the Github community, including support for Blueprints fixtures
  • Several bug fixes

2.1 2009-10-18

  • New options

    • -R to require additional files before loading the models
    • -i to show database indexes in annotations
    • -e to exclude annotating tests or fixtures
    • -m to include the migration version number in the annotation
    • --model-dir to annotate model files stored a different place than app/models
  • Ignore unknown macros ('acts_as_whatever')

2.0 2009-02-03

  • Add annotate_models plugin fork additions

    • Annotates Rspec and Test Unit models
    • Annotates Object Daddy exemplars
    • Annotates geometrical columns
  • Add AnnotateRoutes rake task

  • Up gem structure to newgem defaults

1.0.4 2008-09-04

  • Only update modified models since last run, thanks to sant0sk1

1.0.3 2008-05-02

  • Add misc changes from Dustin Sallings and Henrik N
    • Remove trailing whitespace
    • More intuitive info messages
    • Update README file with update-to-date example

1.0.2 2008-03-22

  • Add contributions from Michael Bumann (
    • added an option "position" to choose to put the annotation,
    • spec/fixtures now also get annotated
    • added a task to remove the annotations
    • these options can be specified from command line as -d and -p [before|after]