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Releases: raphamorim/rio


28 Oct 21:01
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  • Upgrade winit to 0.29.3.
  • Support for Run actions key bindings for Microsoft Windows.
  • Hyperlink support (Ref #60)


25 Oct 19:21
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  • Upgrade wgpu to 0.18.0.
  • Desktop OpenGL 3.3+ Support on Windows through WebGPU.
  • Display the shell name on the tab title for MacOS Native Tab (Ref #311 by @eduronqui).
  • Fix VI cursor disappearing whenever perform a scroll..
  • Fix flagged dimmed colors (cases where it does not comes from rgb index).
  • Fix MacOS fullscreen empty space on margin top.
  • Upgrade winit to 0.29.2.


20 Oct 17:46
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  • Improvements on selection text for scale factor >= 2.0.
  • Improvements on cursor sugar creation, dropped unnecessary usage of clone.
  • Colors/Themes got a new property called vi-cursor, you can specify any color you wish for VI Cursor.
  • Alacritty's VI Mode, documentation:


18 Oct 12:07
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Breaking changes

  • navigation.mode = "Plain" now only shutdowns the key bindings related to tab creation/manipulation.
  • ignore-selection-fg-color has been renamed to ignore-selection-foreground-color.
  • Kitty keyboard protocol has been disabled by default in this version, for enable it you need to use use-kitty-keyboard-protocol = true.
  • CollapsedTab is not based on reverse order anymore.
  • Actions SelectTab1, SelectTab2, ..., SelectTab9 have been removed in favor of the new select tab API:
keys = [
	{ key = "1", with = "super", action = "SelectTab(0)" },
	{ key = "2", with = "super", action = "SelectTab(1)" },
	{ key = "3", with = "super", action = "SelectTab(2)" }
  • Actions ScrollLineUp and ScrollLineDown have been removed in favor of the new Scroll API:
keys = [
	# Scroll up 8 lines
	{ key = "up", with = "super", action = "Scroll(8)" },
	# Scroll down 5 lines
	{ key = "down", with = "super", action = "Scroll(-5)" }

Other changes

  • Rendering performance small improvements towards to Sugar text for regular font, dropped in redudancy processing (avg 68ms to 22ms with tests using 155x94 without repetition like vim Cargo.lock).
  • Rendering performance small improvements towards to Sugar rect calculation, dropped in redudancy processing. Now Sugarloaf computes better Rects duplication in a line. It gains significant performance for large screens (avg ~12ms).
  • Fix Backspace behaviour misplace on Windows (Ref #220).
  • ClearHistory key binding is available to use per configuration file.
  • Introduce Alacritty's VI Mode (Ref #186).
  • Implement ClearSelection key binding action.
  • Fix Cursor shape isn't restored (Ref #279).
  • Fix color automation for breadcrumb mode (Ref #251).
  • Fix text copy (OSC 52) is broken (tmux, zellij) (Ref #276).
  • Fix lines calculation for different fonts.
  • Fix bug whenever is not closing terminal for non native tabs (Ref #255).
  • Removal of hide cursor functionality when start to type for all platforms besides Apple MacOS.
  • Support to new scroll action API key binding.
  • Support to new select tab action API key binding.
  • Support to execute programs as actions for key bindings:
keys = [
	{ key = "p", with = "super", action = "Run(code)" },
	{ key = "o", with = "super", action = "Run(sublime ~/.config/rio/config.toml)" }


02 Oct 13:37
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  • Now you can add extra fonts to load:
extras = [{ family = "Microsoft JhengHei" }]
  • Added ScrollLineUp, ScrollLineDown, ScrollHalfPageUp, ScrollHalfPageDown, ScrollToTopand ScrollToBottom to bindings.
  • Fix japanese characters on Microsoft Windows (Ref: #266).
  • Navigation fonts now use the CascadiaCode built-in font and cannot be changed.
  • Proper select adapter with is_srgb filter check.
  • Switched to queue rendering instead of use staging_belt.
  • Fixed leaks whenever buffer dropped map callbacks.
  • Forked and embedded glyph-brush project to sugarloaf. Glyph-brush was originally created Alex Butler and is licensed under Apache-2.0 license.
  • Upgrate wgpu to 0.17.1.


30 Sep 08:55
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  • Hide other applications in MacOS #262 by @sonbui00.
  • Implemented working-dir parameter to cli #258.
  • Remove legacy icns icons from bundle.


24 Sep 11:33
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  • Fix retrieve foreground process name to tabs.
  • Fix cursor disappearing in the first tab whenever a new tab is created with NativeTab.
  • Fix settings for NativeTab.
  • New docs (migration made by @Brianalmeida)
  • Removal of RIO_CONFIG environment variable.
  • Add ToggleFullscreen Action #229 (Ref: #249) by @sonbui00
  • fix: Command + H can't hide rio on macOS (Ref: #244). by @sonbui00
  • Added fontconfig to font loader.
  • New Rio terminal logo.
  • Update Rust to 1.72.1 (Ref: #238).
  • Enable CPU-specific optimizations on aarch64-apple-darwin (Ref: #235). by @lovesegfault
  • Use release profile with optimization level as 3 (Ref: #236). by @lovesegfault
  • Use fixed dependency versions in sugarloaf
  • Added split support along with the following actions SplitVertically, SplitHorizontally and ClosePane (support to split is still not available).


19 Sep 09:05
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Breaking change

Configuration properties: window_height, window_width and window_opacity has been moved to a new window/background API:

# Window configuration
# • width - define the intial window width.
#   Default: 600
# • height - define the inital window height.
#   Default: 400
# • mode - define how the window will be created
#     - "Windowed" (default) is based on width and height
#     - "Maximized" window is created with maximized
#     - "Fullscreen" window is created with fullscreen
width = 600
height = 400
mode = "Windowed"

# Background configuration
# • opacity - changes the background transparency state
#   Default: 1.0
# • mode - defines background mode bewteen "Color" and "Image"
#   Default: Color
# • image - Set an image as background
#   Default: None
mode = "Image"
opacity = 1.0
path = "/Users/rapha/Desktop/eastward.jpg"
width = 200.0
height = 200.0
x = 0.0
  • Fix for retrieving shell environment variable when running inside of Flatpak sandbox (Ref: #198).
  • Rio terminal is now also available in .
  • Added navigation.mode = "Plain", it basically disables all platform key bindings for tabs, windows and panels creation (Ref #213).
  • Support for blinking cursor (Ref: #137) (this option is not enabled by default).
  • Migrated font-kit to a custom font loader.
  • Support to MacOS tile window positioning feature (left or right).
  • Added support to MacOS display native top bar items.
  • Support to adaptive theme (theme selection based on user system theme variant dark or light).
  • Implemented ScrollPageUp, ScrollPageDown, ScrollHalfPageUp, ScrollHalfPageDown, ScrollToTop, ScrollToBottom, ScrollLineUp, ScrollLineDown (Ref: #206).
  • Support to (it overwrittes regular, bold, bold-italic and italic font families).
  • Added a welcome screen UI.
  • Added a settings UI.
  • Exposes RIO_CONFIG environment variable that contains the path of the configuration.
  • Rio creates a configuration file with all defaults if does not exist.
  • Added OpenConfigEditor key binding for all platforms.
  • Configuration property editor was removed.
  • Created Assistant, Rio terminal UI for display error (Ref: #168).
  • Fix 'Backspace' keypress triggers Ctrl+h keybinding in Zellij instead of deleting character. (Ref: #197).
  • Implemented TERM_PROGRAM and TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION (Ref: #200).
  • Whenever native tabs is on disable macos deadzone logic.


29 Aug 20:48
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  • Fix delete key inputs square character.
  • Fix Breadcrumb navigation crash.


29 Aug 16:24
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Breaking changes

  • Configuration font does not work anymore, a new configuration API of font selection has been introduced.
size = 18

family = "cascadiamono"
style = "normal"
weight = 400

family = "cascadiamono"
style = "normal"
weight = 800

family = "cascadiamono"
style = "italic"
weight = 400

family = "cascadiamono"
style = "italic"
weight = 800
  • Action TabSwitchNext and TabSwitchPrev has been renamed to SelectNextTab and SelectPrevTab.

Rest of 0.0.17 changelog

  • Support to NativeTab (MacOS only).
  • Support for kitty's keyboard protocol (CSI u). Ref:
  • Added new actions for tab selection: SelectTab1, SelectTab2, SelectTab3, SelectTab4, SelectTab5, SelectTab6, SelectTab7, SelectTab8, SelectTab9, SelectLastTab.
  • Support lowercased action and fix overwrite for actions in custom key bindings.
  • Added action Minimize for minimize Rio terminal window.
  • Added action ClearHistory for clear terminal saved history.
  • Added action ReceiveChar for custom key bindings.
  • New default key bindings for Linux and Windows so that conflicts with readline key bindings are removed.
  • Winit Version 0.29.1-beta.
  • Allow paste with the middle mouse of the button (fixes #123).
  • Support startup notify protocol to raise initial window on Wayland/X11.
  • Fix Double-tap by touchpad on the titlebar doesn't maximize/unmaximize the window in GNOME 44, Wayland.