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feature: Blaze
feature: Blaze
Related to the integration of the Blaze ads platform
feature: Bulk Order Actions
feature: Bulk Order Actions
Related to perform bulk actions on orders
feature: coupons
feature: coupons
Related to basic fulfillment such as order tracking.
feature: dashboard
feature: dashboard
Related to the My Store dashboard
feature: deep links
feature: deep links
Related to the universal and deep links
feature: free trial
feature: free trial
Related to free trial subscriptions
feature: fulfillment
feature: fulfillment
Related to basic fulfillment such as order tracking.
feature: google-ads-campaigns
feature: google-ads-campaigns
Related to Google ads campaigns
feature: hub menu
feature: hub menu
Related to the Hub Menu tab.
feature: in-app purchases
feature: in-app purchases
Related to In-app purchases and subscriptions
feature: jitm
feature: jitm
Related to Just In Time Messages
feature: login
feature: login
Related to any part of the log in or sign in flow, or authentication.
feature: mobile payments
feature: mobile payments
Related to mobile payments / card present payments / Woo Payments.
feature: notifications
feature: notifications
Related to notifications or notifs.
feature: order creation
feature: order creation
All tasks related to creating an order
feature: order details
feature: order details
Related to order details.
feature: order list
feature: order list
Related to the order list.
feature: POS
feature: POS
feature: privacy
feature: privacy
Related to the privacy choices project
feature: product details
feature: product details
Related to adding or editing products, including Product Settings.
feature: product list
feature: product list
Related to the product list.
feature: products onboarding
feature: products onboarding
Related to onboarding new users to manage products
feature: refunds
feature: refunds
Related to order refunds.
feature: REST API
feature: REST API
Authenticating requests using application password and using REST API instead of Jetpack tunnel.
feature: review details
feature: review details
Related to review details.
feature: review list
feature: review list
Related to the reviews list.
feature: send feedback
feature: send feedback
Related to the in-app feedback / survey option in app settings.
feature: shipping labels
feature: shipping labels
Related to creating, ordering, or printing shipping labels.
feature: simple payments
feature: simple payments
Related to the Simple Payments feature
feature: split view
feature: split view
Tasks related to iPad SplitView Mode