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aka. dr. smoothie

A Discord bot with a handful of features. Originally developed for the Bayview Computer Club Discord server.


  • Linux emulation (run Linux commands using "!linux [cmd]"). Uses v86.
  • Music Bot (run "!play [song name]" while in a VC. This kinda works)
  • Chat Bot (Uses the ChatterBot Python chat bot library. Is trained against included data, and the Discord server chat.)
  • Chat Logging (Logs all messages to a specified log channel)
  • !xkcd for XKCD comics, !joke for a dad joke
  • !dmoj-problem and !dmoj-user [username]
  • Meme things (!fry @User, !celebrate [text] !celebrate-party [text])
  • Moderation features (!admin)



AGPL Compliance
!generate-source - Generate an archive of the currently running bot source code
!source - Links to the development source code repository

!chat - Talk to the bot! (!chat [msg])

!dmoj-problem - Get a random DMOJ problem
!dmoj-user - Get stats for a DMOJ user (!dmoj-user [username])

!joke - Tells a random dad joke
!fortune - Tells you your fortune
!cowsay - Makes a cow say the message (!cowsay [text])
!xkcd - Gets an XKCD comic (!xkcd, !xkcd latest, !xkcd [comic number])
!roll - Roll a 6-sided die
!random - Get a random number (!random [max number])
!8ball - Let the Magic 8-Ball™️ answer your question
!wiki - Lookup the Wikipedia article for a topic (!wiki [topic])
!stats - See how many messages a user has sent (!stats @user)
!stats-top - Find the top chatters on the server
!clear - Clear the chat
!info - Display bot server information
!restart - (Admin only) Restart the bot

!linux - Run a command in a BusyBox/Linux VM (!linux [command])
!enter - Press the enter key in the VM
!ctrlc - Press Ctrl+C in the VM
!linux-help - About the Linux subsystem

!math - Calculator (!math [math problem])
!latex - Render text as LaTeX (!latex [latex string])

!fry - Fry/Cursify the users profile picture (!fry @user)
!celebrate - Microsoft Dance GIF (!celebrate [text])
!celebrate-party - Microsoft Dance Party GIF (!celebrate-party [text])

!play - Plays or Queues a song in a VC (!play [song name])
!stop - Stops playing music and leaves the VC
!skip - Skip the current song


Environment Variables

The bot needs the following environment variables set:

BOT_TOKEN=bot token (from discord developer portal)
BOT_ID=bot id (right click the bot in discord and copy id)
CHAT_LOG_CHANNEL=channel id (where to log messages to)
CHAT_BOT_ENABLE=enables the chat bot ("true" or "false", no quotes please)
CHAT_BOT_CHANNEL=channel id (where to run the chat bot)
LINUX_VM_ENABLE=enables the linux vm ("true" or "false", no quotes please)
MOD_ADMIN_ID=ID of the initial admin user
MOD_JAIL_ROLE=ID of the role to give to jailed users (this role should disable their send messages perm for example)
SQL_USER=MS SQL Server user
SQL_PASSWORD=MS SQL Server password
SQL_SERVER=MS SQL Server address (ex. localhost)
SQL_DB=bssccbot (don't change this, the database will be created for you)

A ".env" file can be used to set these when running locally.


A Docker image is available at: (Be sure to set the environment variables!)

Deploying with Docker

BSSCCBot requires Microsoft SQL Server. The recommended way to deploy using docker is by using docker-compose, which will automatically setup a BSSCCBot container and MS SQL Server container, linked with a network.

First create a "docker.env" file with the above environment variables set (EXCLUDING SQL_*).

Then run docker-compose pull && docker-compose up --no-start to create the containers.

Finally, start the bssccbot-mssql container, what for it to startup, then start the bssccbot container.

Plugin Documentation:

Plugins consist of a folder in the bot-plugins directory, and an index.js file containing an init function.

This plugin uses DiscordJS v11, make sure you are reading the correct documentation!

Plugin Template:

function init(client, cm, ap) {


module.exports = init;

client -> the instance of the DiscordJS Client.

cm -> the Command Mapping object

ap -> argumentParser() helper utility.

To register a command:

    "command": "",
    "category": "",
    "desc": "",
    "handler": async (msg) => {


Command is the command without the prefix. Handler is a function that is called when the command is invoked (with message object passed to it).

Category and Description are used in the !help command output.

Argument Parser

The ap() function will return the command at index 0, and the rest of the text at index 1.

let text = ap(msg.content)[1];


aka. Dr. Smoothie the Discord bot.







No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4
