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shakyShane edited this page Dec 19, 2014 · 23 revisions

NOTE: No longer updated, please see the auto-generated changelog


  • Added https option to allow localhost development with SSL. Thanks to @PaulKinlan (only available for the built-in server for now. Proxy & Tunnel support coming soon)
  • Added namespaces to files option - used internally & by plugins.
  • Better Notify element in the browser. Now uses position:fixed and does not modify the <html> element.
  • API method .notify() now accepts a timeout for specifying how long the browser will show it.
  • Now uses an updated middleware for adding script tags which fixes file corruption on binaries - thanks to @OverZealous
  • Fixed a bug that caused an error with browser-sync init
  • Added watchOptions option that allows configuration to be passed along to Gaze (such as debounceDelay, etc) - thanks to @mbranch
  • Changed the open option - users can now choose whether to auto open localhost/external/tunnel url automatically
  • Removed debounce option as it's now handled directly via Gaze.


  • Added .exit() method for stopping servers, sockets, file-watchers and process.
  • Added server.routes option to simplify the common use-case app.use("/path", connect.static("/new-path"));
  • Exposed the connect module & the app object to allow additional custom middlewares etc. Accessed through & instance.connect
  • Simplified Plugin & Hooks interfaces - examples, docs & official plugins coming soon.
  • Added Windows CI build

##1.1.0 major release

  • Now requires only a single port to run with all features.
  • Browser Stack support added. Just use either the localhost or external IP provided by BrowserSync and all features will work.
  • Public URL support added. The tunnel option will setup a secure connection for viewing your site.
  • GulpJS support improved.
  • Command-line usage improved.
  • Console output reduced.
  • logLevel option allows greater control over console output
  • Client-side bug fixes to stop devices 'going crazy' sometimes (events were being duplicated).
  • Event management introduced that ensures only 1 devices is ever deemed an 'emitter' - making scroll sync much more reliable.


  • Changed the snippet to work in more situations fixes #146
  • Added browser option to allow user to specify which browser/browsers are auto-opened.
  • INTERNAL - Added local & remote urls in the options
  • Changed console output to better explain 'local' and 'remotes'
  • added --xip option to the command line to allow urls (for things like typekit)


  • Fixed a bug that stopped CSS being loaded into latest Firefox, fixes #142
  • Improved hostname rewriting in proxy request modifications, fixes #138
  • Now allows form-syncing to be set selectively


  • Added debounce option option. Fixes #134. Thanks to @CWSpear
  • Form Sync no longer needs ID's on elements. Fixes #60
  • Fixed problem with redirects in proxy mode - thanks to @marek-saji
  • Added public reload method to improve GulpJS integration
  • Added scss to auto-ignored files. Fixes grunt-browser-sync/issues/47
  • Client script completely re-written to use Browserify for build.
  • links option in ghostMode renamed to ___location for consistency & disabled by default (as it's the number 1 cause of problems at the moment)


  • Added logConnections option to allow the Browser Connected messages to be muted.
  • Reverted a scroll PR on the client-side code that turned out to be a broken implementation.
  • CLI now shows the help page if start or init commands are omitted
  • Added minified/gzipped client-side code.
  • Added minified BrowserSync client-side code.


  • Added directory-listing middleware option to the built-in server. fixes #106
  • Reverted to a pre 0.9 release of to cure install issues. fixes #75
  • Added support for sub directories with the proxy. Useful for localhost setup eg: proxy: "localhost/site1". fixes #91


  • Re-introduced the --config option that allows custom paths to config files to be given on the command line. Fixes #100
  • Added plugin interface for the upcoming control panel, (preview it now by visiting http://<browser-sync-ip>:3001 after BrowserSync has started.
  • Increased z-index value of notify Element. Fixes #2. Thanks to @hugomrdias

##0.7.0 - includes breaking changes

  • debugInfo: false will now completely mute all console output. fixes #97
  • You can now specify multiple base directories to serve files from when using the server. fixes #83
  • Custom middleware can now be added to the server option. fixes grunt-browser-sync #11
  • Added support for services such as through the new hostnameSuffix option.
  • /client/browser-sync-client.js now always resolves to the latest installed version of the client script. This help people who save the snippet to file. fixes #82
  • File watching accuracy for people using ruby + sass is greatly improved (fouc eliminated now :) ).
  • Scroll position now saved as a cookie instead of URL (thanks to @faergeek)
  • Added plugin interface for some of the internals - making it easier to extend/consume BrowserSync.
  • BREAKING CHANGE - proxy option simplified. It's now as simple as proxy: "localhost:8000"
  • BREAKING CHANGE - Command line usage now requires commands to be prefixed with start.
  • BREAKING CHANGE - .init() no longer returns the event emitter directly. See the API Docs.
  • .init() now accepts a callback with full access the BrowserSync Object. See the API Docs.


  • Critical - Fixed a bug that was introduced in 0.6.1 where modifying response data with both Proxy & Server options would quit after first chunk. fixes: #36 & #87
  • Merged PR #88 to check if the notify option was disabled before trying to displaying it. Thanks to @falzhobel
  • Merged PR #85 to ensure the notify elem can be re-created if an app wipes it out. Thanks to @hugomrdias


  • Page reloads no longer jump back to the top (scroll position saved in query string) fixes #80.
  • Now uses a version of connect-livereload middleware to make script-injecting more robust.
  • Added in-browser notification when a browser is 'connected'.
  • Fixed a bug that stopped scripts being injected into pages with query strings. fixes #35
  • Added IE 7 & 8 specific middleware to deal with them not sending html in their accept header
  • All sync actions now only check the URL path. fixes #78


  • Upgraded cl-strings to deal with #73 (now uses chalk) - thanks to @jas
  • added .map to auto-excluded files (deals with chrome automatically requesting .map fils when devtools are open)


  • Upgraded http-proxy to > 1.0 (internal breaking changes).
  • Added startPath option to allow the auto-opened browser to point to a sub-dir.
  • Added scrollProportionally option to allow scrollTop position to be synced instead. (thanks to @hugoBessaa)
  • Removed the minified client script (removes a build step & easier to work with/hack on)
  • Added versioning to client script to elimate any cache issues on upgrades