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Releases: EaW-Team/equestria_dev

"The Way of Fire"

10 Sep 16:16
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✢ Additions:
- Added artwork for various advisors in Griffonian Empire and generals in Strawberry Duchy.
- Added a new general for Dread League, Tarrin, Yale, Olenia, and Posadist Hippogriffia.

✢ Changes:
- Implemented changes from HOI4 1.14.8 patch.
- Reorganised game rules and country buffing in a more sensible form.
- The outcome for Lushi accepting Hellquill's request can now be chosen directly.
- Gryphus' puppeting decisions now reward with some manpower.
- Colthage needs less compliance to core Coltva.
- With LaR, the focus "The Matter Of Internal Security" in Lunar Empire creates an agency.
- Warmaster decisions in Chiropterra now explicitly spell out the traits for ingoing advisors.
- Adjusted values for various victory points.
- Updated Bronzehill's Rosey Luxembark country flag.
- Barrad's Asinti and cyborg Leopold have received an updated portrait.

✢ Fixes:
- Romau now keeps the generic tank and naval designer without AAT.
- Assigned MIOs for starting production where it was missing.
- Fixed a character related crash in Colthage.
- Fixed diplomacy decisions for Coltva not appearing.
- Fixed several foci for militarist Colthage not bypassing.
- Fixed Gina de Gioia being transferred to Wingbardy when she shouldn't be.
- "Establish Flussland" decision for the Griffonian Empire and "Establish Ordensstaat Flussland" focus for Yale no longer target potential cores.
- Resolved issues with the Arabian strait rules.
- Countries should no longer lose their colour in the culture map mode after a civil war.
- Peace conference now correctly bypasses in an edge case involving Equestria and Hippogriffia.
- Palace building decision in Stalliongrad can no longer be spammed.
- Aquileia can no longer annex Tarrin during a war.
- Griffonian Republic can now declare war on nations that leave the Republican Pact.
- Warmaster Dawnclaw is no longer the leader of the supremacy party should civil war occur in Griffonian Republic.
- Flowena can no longer spawn mercenary units if it doesn't control the city of Flowena.
- Various Polar Bear fixes.
- Various terrain fixes.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 6b76

"The Way of Fire"

12 Aug 02:58
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✢ Additions:
- Added some new content for New Mareland's government-in-exile path.
- Added a new Deerkind formable nation for deer countries.
- Added a new admiral for Thorax's changelings.
- Added a new general in Disciples of the Night.
- Added generic hyena portraits.
- Added economic decisions for New Mareland.
- Added new flag for Rosey Luxembark when forming Griffonian Empire.
- Added new starting national spirits for Mozzi and Gelon-Zornu.
- Added a unique spymaster advisor for Griffonian Republic.
- Added a decision for Chital to declare war on Colthage and Quaggatai.
- Added icons for Griffonian Empire's air chiefs.

✢ Changes:
- You can now cancel raid border conflicts with a decision.
- Assigned various vanilla equipment icons to the equipment of various countries.
- Minor nation AI should now prioritize trucks more.
- Klugetown's formable decision is now available even if the required nations are puppeted instead of annexed.
- Aquileia no longer guarantees AI Adelart.
- All griffon countries can now white peace with New Mareland's overseas overlord/ally with a decision.
- The white peace offer to New Mareland's overseas overlord/ally is now always accepted by AI.
- Rebalanced Anseruk-Asstyria and Karkadannistan-Maretonia/Aestlonia wars.
- Yarikh, a general in Tobuck, now has traits and better stats.
- Randomly added buildings are now only added in core states.
- Wingbardy now gets Francistria's generals if the country is annexed via event.
- Updated AI code to match vanilla.
- Reduced the army experience costs of various generic military decisions.
- Renamed communist and fascist factions in the Arabian Civil War.
- Strengthened Mass Assault doctrine and the right half of Grand Battle Plan doctrine.
- Assigned MIOs/concerns to various starting production lines.
- Split Nova Griffonian as a new culture from Herzlander.
- Lushi can now get a proper science base.
- Griffonstone is no longer required for the Brodfeld-Lushi formable.
- Adjusted the shapes of some strategic regions in the Panthalassic Ocean.
- Made it easier to get heat specialist trait.
- Optimized the performance of numerous state-targeting decisions.
- Strengthened self-propelled guns.
- By default, AI countries can no longer kick out other nations from their faction.
- EaW's game rules should no longer block achievements/awards.
- Griffonian Republic now gets Aquileia's advisors upon peaceful unification.
- Improved license acceptance for having fewer technologies.
- Renamed Self-Reliance subideology to Great Leader Theory.
- Aquileia can now demand Tarrin from an ally.

✢ Fixes:
- Fixed Daybreaker not getting a portrait if she ascends during a war.
- Fixed unbuildable SHBB3 without MtG DLC.
- Fixed terrain of various provinces.
- Fixed a Kiria event not swapping trade laws properly.
- Fixed some Hippogriffia events targeting New Mareland instead of Equestria.
- Fixed missing modules in some fighter planes given by focuses.
- Coltvan negotiation events no longer trigger if Colthage is at war with Coltva.
- Fixed Hippogriffia's focuses about declaring war not giving a warning to Hippone/The Ascendancy.
- Fixed Hippogriffia not being able to declare war on Trotkat via focus.
- If Colthage loses to Quaggatai, no white peaces should any longer happen between the two afterwards.
- Francistria can no longer voluntarily become a puppet during a war.
- Fixed one of Tarrin's flooding drainage decision not being available to other countries.
- Fixed bug where a state wasn't given to Northern Tribes when released as a puppet by The Ascendancy.
- Tarrin can now only ally other nations if it is the faction leader.
- Fixed some traits not being assigned properly in Tobuck.
- Fixed Lunar Empire conquest decisions from locking out when target becomes invalid during preparation.
- Lunar Empire focus targeting Olenia is no longer blocked if Olenia owns Changeling states.
- Fixed some civil wars not properly functioning as civil wars.
- Fixed Ygritte's portrait not upgrading when it should.
- Kasan core states no longer go to Hyperpotamia when it is released as a puppet by The Ascendancy.
- Fixed Abyssinia getting the Kaiser Kattail intelligence agency by default.
- Fixed Colthage getting duplicate/mutually exclusive Coltvan state modifiers.
- Fixed various issues with Prywhen.
- Removed terrain penalty reduction modifier from national spirits as it only works in traits.
- Fixed Yemane's harmonic leader's subideology not matching the country name.
- Fixed icons of various concerns/MIOs.
- Fixed non-aligned and communist Longsword being considered monarchies when they shouldn't be.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: afd0

"The Way of Fire"

16 Jun 23:40
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✢ Additions:
- The Everfree Forest can now be annexed with a decision by anyone except Changeling Lands and Manehattan Protectorate.
- Added a decision to form the nation of Riseia for Osqat, Maretania, Re'em, Yemane and the Haymirite Kingdom.
- Replaced Aestlonian and Macawian placeholder country leaders with proper ones.
- Griffonian Republic's Reinhard Suntail can now unify with Bakara's Firm Scow.
- Resource prospecting decisions have been added all around the globe.
- Added artwork for the Vesalipolis state lore.
- Split the Mechanics tab of the welcome screen into New Mechanics and Changed Mechanics, for maintenance and translation purposes.
- Added a new general for Solar Empire, Azir and Macawia, and an advisor for communist Longsword.
- Added a new general and admiral for Posadist Hippogriffia.
- Added a female operative portrait for Abyssinia.

✢ Changes:
- Implemented changes from HOI4 1.14.6 patch.
- Aquileia or one of its subjects must own Griffenheim before the former can take the decision "Hoist The Tricolour".
- Encryption and decryption technologies now offer a small boost in operative detection and evasion, respectively.
- Slightly increased Rumare's population.
- If the Everfree Forest exists, Kattail's Night in Canterlot focus now only requires owning Canterlot.
- Griffonian Republic no longer has suggestions or implications about assimilating "native" populace.
- Buffed stats for zebra Chargers and dragon units.
- Improved supply in northern Griffonia.
- Tank chassis can now use a maximum of one Anti-air Radar.
- Jungle pioneers and regular pioneers are now mutually exclusive.
- Sirens will no longer receive fantasy flavour events.
- Removed Suri Polomare advisor from New Mareland.
- Updated victory points for yeti nations.
- Rewrote ideology description for Equalism.
- Further code refactoring to improve performance.
- Updated flags for the Evian formable and fascist Asterion.
- Replaced an old naval themed loading screen with an improved one.
- Solar Empire's Daybreaker has received an updated portrait, with alternate portraits based on path chosen.
- Skynavia's Asper Sickleclaw has received an updated portrait.
- Asterion's Andris Dory and Maximin Kokkinos have received an updated portrait.

✢ Fixes:
- Corrected multiple cases of non-DLC starting forces having incorrect equipment.
- Fixed an issue in Gerza's Colthage where a dynamic modifier had one of its stats wrongly defined.
- Kattail's Abyssinia can now integrate Manedalusia, and should no longer declare war on Warzena too early.
- Buildings should no longer be added in impassable states by various effects.
- Added missing bypasses for Aquileian wargoal foci.
- Aquileia will no longer get stuck in its focus tree if it can't reach House Erie and Avian.
- Corrected a Coltvan decision adding victory point value to a wrong province.
- Fixed a song's name preventing it from being played.
- Improved how a dynamic modifier was applied on Coltvan states.
- Chiropterra's Ocean Spray is now properly removed as a country leader in relevant circumstances.
- Dehumanised and fixed various GFX issues.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 0fc6

"The Way of Fire"

28 Apr 03:41
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✢ Additions:
- Added tank anti-air radar module.
- New portraits for Gilda and Gallus in Griffonstone.
- Reworked flag for Rumare.
- New advisor icons for Rainbow Dash, Flash Magnus and Carrot Top in Equestria.
- Added new icons for air plane and tank modules.
- Added a new general in Changeling Lands.
- New portrait for Silver Star when he is redeemed in Wittenland.

✢ Changes:
- Slightly weakened Hayzeb Federation's starting army.
- Equestria can now always take the decision to rename Stalliongrad if they own it.
- Gallus advisor in Griffonstone now has the Friendship School Graduate trait.
- Verany is now the historical leader of Aquileia.
- Personal union autonomy level now uses the same icon as in vanilla.
- In Bronzehill, Prelate Gunhild's subideology is now authoritarian theocracy.
- Strengthened modern turret tank module slightly.
- The decision to ask Flowena for a loan is no longer available if they cannot afford it.
- Tarrin now gets claims on Aquileia when completing certain focuses.
- Renamed Adelart's theocratic Aquileia formable.
- OT-26 tank variant in Stalliongrad is now a flame tank.

✢ Fixes:
- Fixed all countries on Equus having a developed science base.
- After researching a racial technology and opening the technology screen, it will now properly show the racial technology tab.
- Arclight in River Republic and Applethorn in Farbrook are no longer available as advisors after becoming the country leader.
- United Free States in April Fools' content now check for controlled states not owned, and is formed later.
- Kaiser Kattail now gets claims on all the cores of the nations he attacks, and will automatically declare war on any nation happening to hold these cores
- Kaiser Kattail can now attack any Detached Countries.
- The Kirian Civil War will no longer be paused by Kaiser Kattail's attacks.
- Fixed Austurland getting extra rewards from raiding right away rather than when they win.
- Fixed several issues with province shapes and terrains.
- Fixed demilitarized subjects being able to switch into normal ones immediately.
- When Equestria triggers a civil war in Olenia, the harmonic side's focuses now reload properly.
- Asstyria and Anseruk now get claims on each other to ensure they annex rather than puppet.
- Fixed faulty modifier in Colthage's state devolution national spirit.
- Fixed issues with focus shine effects.
- If the constitutionalists won in Colthage, Coltva will now return any Colthaginian states they took.
- Tobuck decisions regarding party popularity now account for being harmonic.
- Vasile tree in Tobuck accounts for Colthaginian civil war tags when adding a state modifier.
- Fixed faulty focus check in Crack Lightning's Hippogriffia.
- Fixed DLC checks for Macawian planes.
- Fixed Flopparnold advisor from April Fools' content showing up in regular Abyssinia.
- Cleaned up some country borders in Twilight Theory April Fools' content.
- Adelart focus about recruiting Bernier now bypasses if Greifwald has him as leader.
- Sixth Great Hive Changeling Lands focus now accounts for puppet Olenia owning Vanhoover.
- Updated Canterlot Guard and Garrison templates in Changeling Lands.
- Fixed issues with Falcor creating resistance in Wingbardy.
- Hippogriffia now also white peaces the Great War if New Mareland also white peaced after Equestria capitulated.
- Fixed hitboxes for new 3D models being too large.
- Fixed Aquileian conquest decisions no longer being available after a target got annexed or subjugated by another country.
- Fixed a broken Stalliongrad focus icon.
- Gerza's and Star Father's Colthage now gain a generic focus tree after being puppeted.
- Tobuck focus to claim Warzena can now be taken if the country does not exist.
- Blocked Star Father's Colthage from recruiting and creating avian race operatives.
- Dehumanized some GFX.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 71a8

"The Way of Fire"

05 Apr 13:28
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✢ Additions:
- Kaiser Kattail has escaped to the next universal cycle! He will return with the correct game rule enabled.
- 3D models have been updated for ponies, changelings and zebras.
- Added an artwork for the Mount Aris state lore.
- Liberation Front has been added as an subideology, and assigned to appropriate leaders.
- Added the Bomb Bays 2 technology with relevant modules for By Blood Alone owners.

✢ Changes:
- Code refactored for improved performance, alongside removing obsolete DLC checks.
- Tobuck's Rose Rain can now become the country leader under specific circumstances.
- Reverted accidental addition of new voicelines.
- Assigned new icons for various equipment.
- Nerfed Logistic Strike mission for CAS planes, buffed the same for Tactical Bombers.
- Improved the namelist for dragons.
- If the game rule is set to start with an united River Federation, it will gain all relevant national spirits.
- Updated flags for communist Yale, Bronzehill, and the Kingdom of Gryphus.
- Gyzwindid Realm's Gyz Windborn has received an updated portrait.

✢ Fixes:
- Gyzwindid Realm will no longer remove its own cores should it unite the Stormlands.
- Fixed Princess Luna (the corps commander) using the outdated portrait.
- Corrected Chital's Hira Ramachan receiving a wrong trait.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 0112

"Katzenreich" v2

02 Apr 08:50
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✢ Fixes and changes:
- Balance changes to Abyssinia content.
- Fixed some units being spawned in impassable states.

Checksum: 6573


01 Apr 13:28
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✢ New Origin for:
Kingdom of Abyssinia

✢ New Ascension path for:
Hippogriffia (Sirenalia path) (outsourced)

✢ Additions:
- Gave Abyssinia new flavour events
- Added interactions for Abyssinia with the Dread League, Equestria and the Griffonian Empire under special circumstances
- Added new unit types
- Added a new Civic, Liberation Front, for certain Harmonic governments.
- Added new 3D models for ponies, changelings, and zebras (they are now much cuter)
- Added a cool new main menu song by Wilzy
- Added a cool old song by Paradox Interactive

✢ Fixes and changes:
- Fixed bug where the timelines wouldn't interact
- Fixed issue with cats not being better than dogs
- Fixed issue where katz keeps being misspelt as cats
- Improved tank performance
- Gave the Star Father extensive gene therapy to make him more appealing to mainstream audiences.
- Accepted demands for more war
- Refactored files
- Removed hands
- Removed Herobrine
- Added more bugs

Checksum: 832f

"The Way of Fire"

25 Mar 01:26
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✢ Additions:
- Added a new fantasy flavour event chain.
- Implemented a new game rule to strengthen the Changeling Lands (disabled by default).

✢ Changes:
- Implemented miscellaneous changes from the HOI4 1.14.2 and 1.14.3 patch.
- Reshuffled various Changeling focus times, modifiers and focus rewards.
- Caramel Haze will now replace the OHS with a more suitable intelligence agency (La Resistance required).
- Different faction membership no longer imposes a penalty for accepting deals on the international market.
- Kirian Hundred Day Campaigns were made easier for the AI to complete.
- Reduced cooldown for Colthage's border war decision for Kar-Alpaka.
- Hippogriffia can now only release Carrot Stick's Chiropterra if Hippogriffia is at peace.
- Completely replaced Austurland's namelist with new entries.
- Karkadannistan's starting leader has been renamed.
- Equestria's Princess Luna has received an updated portrait.
- Gryphian Host's Yeven Krawvelets has received an updated portrait.

✢ Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where a Thoraxian focus added manpower to wrong states.
- Corrected a wrong modifier in an April Fool Griffonian Empire idea.
- Nova Griffonia will no longer join Stalliongrad's faction when it shouldn't.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 12ed

"The Way of Fire"

18 Mar 03:09
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✢ Fixes:
- Fixed instant-defeat due to Coltva's collapse event.

Checksum: 0024

"The Way of Fire"

10 Mar 05:17
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✢ Compatibility for 1.14 Hearts of Iron IV patch and Trial of Allegiance:
- Macawia now uses Brazilian Portuguese voicelines.
- Kiria and southeast Equestrian breakaways can now get Jungle Pioneers support company.
- Replaced various removed modifiers with new ones.

✢ Additions:
- Added futurist socialism subideology.
- Deponya now sends refusal event to River Republic when refusing.
- Added acceptance events for River Republic decisions about trading with allies.
- Added several new victory points on the map.
- Added new capitulation responses for some Kirian breakaways.
- Added arrow popup for Chiropterra's anti-partisan GUI.
- A Pax Chrysalia focus now spawns divisions that have Jachs and Alcippe as division commanders.
- Added a new career profile award for Changeling Lands.
- Added toggles for Kirian on-map decisions.
- Added a new general in Gryphia.

✢ Changes:
- Moved seven Olenian states to Griffonia and Zebrica.
- Reduce penalties from Kiria's civil war national spirits.
- Skyfall now starts with truck and armored car technologies.
- Baragzen in Tobuck now also declares war on Hippogriffia and any Colthaginian breakaways when he attacks Colthage.
- Updated various plane icons.
- Posada in Hippogriffia can now get Coral Ridge as an advisor.
- Arcturian Order now gets a generic focus tree when released as a subject via event.
- Nova Griffonia decision about selling Severyana to Equestria now sells a puppeted Severyana as well.
- Reduced minimum exports modifiers in Skyfall's national spirits.
- Strengthened the starting armies of Asstyria and Karkadannistan.
- Changeling Fragrance can now incite civil war in Kirian tags even if they are majors.
- Polar Bear event about airplanes now also creates an air base.

✢ Fixes:
- Fixed various issues with plane presets and templates.
- Fixed Hippogriffia's Abyss cult leader having a pixelated portrait.
- Fixed issues with plane equipment variant names.
- Fixed issues with Siren and Kiria dynamic modifiers.
- Chiropterra can no longer launch raids into impassable states.
- Fixed event about Vasile not triggering in Zarantia's secret path.
- Fixed issues with characters not becoming leaders in post-defeat Chiropterra.
- Fixed issues with effects that target states.
- Fixed Colthage civil war faction cores not being removed after being defeated.
- Fixed Kiria prison factory disappearing.
- Added check in "Protect Zaikiria" focus.
- Fixed society development not transferring properly to puppets.
- Fixed KirCorWar breakaways not getting cores.
- Fixed Yakyakistan being able to get more than 5 research slots.
- Fixed Abyssinia still having slave economy after being released as a Wingbardian subject.
- Fixed missing icon for Skyfall's pirate den national spirit.
- Fixed MIOs in Skyfall being visible when they shouldn't be.
- When Stormland forms the Storm Kingdom, it will now properly remove cores of the Gyzwindids.
- Fixed Griffon Frontier having a focus that built a railway in an impassable state.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: d98f