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wizzbo is a Discord bot (running in node, using discord.js), it doesn't do anything flash, it's just a playground for me

maybe it'll have cool features one day or a single specific purpose, but for now, nope



scry has two options:

  • question | takes a string and replies, magic 8-ball style
  • fate | takes a mentionable (user/role) and gives a vague/silly fortune

/vote [subcommand]

vote has 4 subcommands:

  • setup | starts a poll (unique to each channel), which takers a number of players (voters), and optionally a number of votes (default=3), whether the votes are weighted (with the first vote per player being worth the most and decreasing, default=true) and entries (functionally does nothing, but displays in setup message)
  • cast | allows a player to vote for a numbered entry, will display a player's remaining number of votes, once every player has used all their votes, closes the poll and displays the results
  • end | ends a poll prematurely and displays results, useful if too many player's assigned, for example
  • status | displays how many votes have been cast and how many players have voted

running wizzbo or subbots

If you're running wizzbo locally, it looks for a config.json, which is gitignored, however if (like me) you're running wizzbo from Glitch, it relies on environment variables if a config file is not found. To run it'll need:

  • clientId | the bot user's OAuth2 client ID
  • token | the bot's token

Subbots can be run by using JSON/stringified JSON config with the appropriate bot name being added to index

Commands are registered using node deploy-commands, then to run the server node index/npm start/yarn start

deploying only a subset of commands

If you want to run a bot that only uses a subset of commands (ie, just the voting commands), wizzbo's deploy-commands can also take a number of arguments to limit the commands deployed

  • -s/--sub=[name] ~ deploy for sub-bot
  • -a / --all ~ deploys all commands (default)
  • [any named command] ~ deploys only listed commands, eg: `node deploy-commands scry`


a discord bot that doesn't do much






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