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FullCalendar Solr

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FullCalendar Solr provides integration with the FullCalendar JavaScript library to provide a Year Calendar View display formatter that is compatible with Search API.

The calendar highlights dates associated with content. It also features a year dropdown containing only years with results. This module is compatible with the Search API Solr and Facets modules.

Note: This formatter is not compatible with regular content Views.



This module requires the following modules:

The Search API backend needs to support the search_api_facets option.


  1. Clone this repo into drupal/web/modules/contrib or install using Composer.
  2. Enable the module at Admin > Extend or use Drush.


Creating a Year View

  1. At /admin/structure/views, click Add view. Under View settings > Show, select a Solr index.
  2. Create a Page.
  3. Set the Display Format to FullCalendar Solr.
  4. Configure the page path such that the last component is 'year'. (e.g. /a/b/c/year)
  5. Under Fields, add a string field containing a date in YYYY-MM-DD format. Any dates not in YYYY-MM-DD format will not be displayed in the calendar.
    • Ensure that the date field selected is an indexed field by the Solr Index chosen.
  6. Under Advanced > Contextual Filters, select a filter containing year values in YYYY format.
  7. Edit the year contextual filter.
    1. Under When the filter value is NOT available, select Provide default value.
    2. Set the type to Raw value from URL
    3. Set the Path Component to the index of where year is located in the path. (e.g. for /a/b/c/year, the Path Component should be set to 4)
  8. Under Format > FullCalendar Solr Settings, set the Date Field to the field created in step 5 and the Year Field to the field created in step 6.
  9. Add any additional view configurations as needed.
  10. Save the view.

Creating a Day View

The year calendar can be configured to redirect to a day view when a highlighted date is clicked.

  1. Edit the year view page. Under Format > FullCalendar Solr Settings, check the Navigation Links to Day View option and save.
  2. Click Add > Page. This will be the new Day View.
  3. Select a display style. (One that is not FullCalendar Solr)
  4. Under Advanced > Contextual Filter, add a filter containing a string date in YYYY-MM-DD format. This should be the same as the date field used in the year view.
    • If the date field is not available, try adding the field to the Search API Index.
  5. Configure the page path. The path of this view should be the same as the path of the Year View except the last URL component is 'day' instead of 'year' (i.e. if the year view has path /a/b/c/year, the day view must have path /a/b/c/day).
  6. Add any additional view configurations as needed.
  7. Save the view.

Redirecting to a Single Result

If a highlighted date has only one result, the year calendar can redirect to the result itself instead of the day view.

  1. Prerequisites: Navigation Links are enabled and a day view is set up. (See Creating a Day View)
  2. Edit the Year View page.
  3. Under Fields, add a field containing an item path or URL.
  4. Under Format > FullCalendar Solr Settings, check the Link to Item option.
  5. The Item URL Field dropdown should now be available. Select the field containing the item path or URL.
  6. Save the formatter settings.
  7. Save the view.

Creating a Calendar Link Block

This is a method of dynamically generating a link to the calendar view when a year is required (e.g. the default value of the year contextual filter is set to Raw value from URL). The block can be set to link to the oldest/latest year with results.

  1. Edit the calendar view and select Add Block.
  2. Under Block settings, set the Block category to Lists (Views).
  3. Under Format, set the format to Unformatted list and select to show Fields.
  4. If your calendar view has any contextual filters other than the year, add them under Contextual filters.
    1. In the settings of each filter, under When the filter value is NOT available, select Provide default value.
    2. Set the type to Raw value from URL and set the path component number based on the path of where this block will be placed.
  5. Under Fields, add a year field containing years in YYYY format.
  6. Edit the year field.
    1. Set the Thousands marker to None.
    2. Go to the Rewrite results section.
      1. Check Override the output of this field with custom text.
      2. Under Text, customize your link text. E.g. Calendar View.
      3. Check Output this field as a custom link.
      4. Fill in the Link path field. Model this after the path of your calendar view using the Replacement patterns. E.g. /node/{{ arguments.field_member_of }}/year/{{ year }}.
      5. If using an absolute path, check Use absolute path.
      6. (Optional) Set the Prefix text and Suffix text options.
    3. Go to the No results behavior section. Check Hide if empty and Hide rewriting if empty.
  7. Under Pager, set the pager to Display a specified number of items. Set the Items to display field to 1.
  8. Under Filter criteria, add <Year Field> is not empty.
  9. Under Sort criteria, add the year field. Set the sort order to ascending to get the oldest year, or descending to get the latest year.
  10. Place the block within a view that has the contextual filters used by the block.


The year calendar doesn't display all dates with content

  • Try going to View settings > Pager options, and set the Items per page` option to 365.

The calendar link block displays multiple links

  • This is likely because some of the results have more than one year value.