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Atlas is an internal portal, offering a variety of features helping bring visibility within your organization.

It's built on top of G Suite by Google, and currently features:

  • A two-way synced employee directory
  • An automatically generated organization chart

This project is still in its infancy, and pull requests are absolutely welcome.

API Keys

You'll need two sets of credentials from Google:

  1. An API key with access to both the Maps JavaScript API and the Geocoding API
  2. An OAuth application configured:
    • application type is internal
    • authorized domains should include your ___domain name (e.g.
    • scopes should include email, profile, and openid
  3. A set of credentials should be generated:


Make sure you disable Adblock as it seems to break Google Auth

You'll need Postgres and Redis instances running with standard credentials. A basic set of docker services are included and can be run with compose:

$ docker-compose up -d

From there, activate a virtualenv using Python 3.7.x (this is automatic if you're using pyenv and direnv), and install the dependencies:

$ make

Apply database migrations:

$ atlas migrate

Lastly, grab the Google, and place them in .env. See the included .env.example for additional configuration:


Mock Data

You can load some example mock data with a basic organization structure by running the following command:

$ atlas load_mocks

Note: If you run this multiple times you will end up with multiple similar profiles, as they're not unique.

Syncing People

You will need an account with ___domain permission to sync data

Once you've authenticated with your Google Auth, you can sync the directory with the following command:

$ atlas sync_google


Atlas is made up of two key services.

The backend service is a Django application exporting a graphql API. It runs on top of a Postgres database and is completely stateless.

The frontend service is a SPA built on React implementing the majority of user interactions as well as authentication.

These services can be run easily in local development using the included proxy with the following:

$ npm start

From there you can access the UI at http://localhost:8080. This will expose the backend at /graphql/ and the UI at /.


The backend is a GraphQL implementation powered by Graphene. The exposed endpoint is /graphql/.

To launch the backend service (from within your virtualenv) run the following:

$ atlas runserver

Offline Workers

Offline workers are bundled with the backend application, and run by Celery.

To launch the workers service (from within your virtualenv) run the following:

$ atlas worker


The frontend service is built on top of React as a Single Page Application (SPA). It contains all user interface logic as well as various business flows.

To launch the frontend service run the following:

$ cd frontend && npm start


Authentication is done via the following:

  1. Perform a login mutation:
mutation {
  login(email: "[email protected]", password: "bar") {
    user {
  1. Capture the token in the response and send it with future requests:
Authorization: Token {value}

Here's a helpful app which lets you bind an auth header:

Note: You can also use the included helper to generate an auth token:

$ atlas generate_auth_token [email address]

Repository Layout

├── backend
|   ├── atlas               // django backend service
|   |   ├── models          // database schema
|   |   ├── mutations       // registered mutations
|   |   └── queries         // registered queries
└── frontend
    └── src
        ├── actions             // redux actions
        ├── components          // standard react components
        ├── pages               // core routing components
        └── reducers            // redux reducers

Data Model

  • Most models contain a GUID (UUID) primary key.
├── Office
└── User
    ├── Photo
    ├── Profile
    └── Identity