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dBoss is a web based database administration and management tool.


Using Composer (recommended)


Temporary Manual Config (while setup script isn't done)

  • Clone dBoss
  • Run ./composer.phar install (from dBoss root)

Edit config/autoload/local.php as follows:


return array(
    'security' => array(
        'salt_key' => 'your_salt_here',
        'iteration_count' => 8,
        'portable_hashes' => 0,

NOTE: local.php is ignored by git, so it's safe to add connection info to it.

dBoss system db configuration:

Edit config/autoload/database.local.php as follows:


$root_dir = dirname(__DIR__) . '/..';

return array(
  'doctrine' => array(
    'connection' => array(
      'orm_default' => array(
        'driverClass' => 'Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOSqlite\Driver',
        'params' => array(
            'path' => $root_dir . "/data/db/system.db"

NOTE: database.local.php is ignored by git, so it's safe to add connection info to it.

Run from dBoss root directory:

php public/index.php load-sqlite --withdata

If your system db already exists and you want to unlink it and reload the data:

php public/index.php load-sqlite --unlink --withdata


Build container

make build

Run container

make run

Web Server Setup

PHP CLI Server

The simplest way to get started if you are using PHP 5.4 or above is to start the internal PHP cli-server in the root directory:

php -S -t public/ public/index.php

This will start the cli-server on port 8080, and bind it to all network interfaces.

**Note: ** The built-in CLI server is for development only.

Apache Setup

To setup apache, setup a virtual host to point to the public/ directory of the project and you should be ready to go! It should look something like below:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName db-boss.localhost
    DocumentRoot /path/to/db-boss/public
    SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV "development"
    <Directory /path/to/db-boss/public>
        DirectoryIndex index.php
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all