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Distributed Algorithms

This repository contains Java implementations of various distributed algorithms, with a focus on snapshot and election algorithms. These algorithms are run within a simulated network environment created by leveraging the Akka framework.


  • Graph Structure Integration: This project integrates with graph structures defined by .dot files, which are generated using the NetGameSim application. NetGameSim is an experimental platform designed to create large-scale random graphs and their perturbations, providing a visual and structural foundation for network simulation within this project.
  • Simulation of network nodes as Akka actors, which interact in a distributed system to demonstrate algorithm behaviors.
  • Implementation of the following algorithms:
    • Snapshot algorithms:

      • Chandy-Lamport algorithm
      • Lai-Yang algorithm
      • Peterson-Kearns Rollback Recovery Algorithm
    • Elections algorithms:

      • Chang-Roberts algorithm
      • Dolev-Klawe Rodeh algorithm
      • Echo algorithm with Extinction algorithm

Project Structure

  • src/main/java: Contains the source code for the project.

    • snapshot_algorithms: Implementation of snapshot algorithms for distributed systems.
      • chandy_lamport: The Chandy-Lamport algorithm for distributed snapshots.
      • lai_yang: The Lai-Yang algorithm for consistent global snapshots.
      • peterson_kearns: Peterson-Kearns algorithm for centralized rollback recovery.
        • Manages network configuration, initiates snapshots, and recovers actors upon crashes using snapshots and message logs.
        • Represents a node in the network, capable of sending, receiving, and logging messages,
      • util: Utility classes supporting algorithm functionality.
      • GraphParser: Parses .dot files from the resources/graph/ directory to create a graph of actors, embodying the network topology for the simulation.
    • resources: Holds configuration settings and graph definitions.
      • graph: Directory containing the primary .dot file (e.g., that represents the network graph used for the simulation.
  • src/test/java: Test suites for the source code.

    • snapshot_algorithms: Test cases for snapshot algorithms. Most tests verify the algorithm's correctness by examining the logs generated during the simulation. After running the tests, snapshot files for various actors and states in the system are generated and saved in the snapshots directory.
    • util: Tests for utility classes to ensure accurate parsing and functionality.
      • resources/graph: Contains multiple .dot files used for component testing of graph parsing and actor system simulation.
  • src/main/java: Contains the source code for the project

    • election_algorithms: Implementation of elections algorithms for distributed system.
      • chang_roberts: A ring-based leader election algorithm that is simple and efficient in terms of message complexity.
      • Echo_algorithm: A unique variant of the echo algorithm that emphasizes minimal message overhead and rapid termination.
      • Dolev-Klawe Rodeh: Focuses on minimizing the number of messages required in dynamic ring topologies, making it suitable for volatile environments.
  • src/test/java: Test suites for the source code.

    • election_algorithms: Test cases for election algorithms. Most tests verify the algorithm's correctness by examining the logs generated during the simulation.
    • util: Tests for utility classes to ensure accurate parsing and functionality.
    • target/test-classes/graph: Contains multiple .dot files used for component testing of graph parsing and actor system simulation


  • Java JDK version 21.0.2
  • Maven version 3.9.6


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd Distributed-Algorithms
  3. Build the project with Maven:
    mvn clean install


  • To simulate any of the snapshot algorithms, run the Main class located at src/main/java/snapshot_algorithms/ . This class provides a command-line interface to select different algorithms to simulate. Each option initiates a simulation using predefined .dot files, demonstrating the chosen algorithm's behavior within a configured network of actors.

  • To simulate any of the election algorithms, run the Main class located at src/main/java/election_algorithms/ . This class provides a command-line interface to select different algorithms to simulate. Each option initiates a simulation using predefined test files, demonstrating the chosen algorithm's behavior within a configured network of actors.


Implementation of distributed algorithms







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