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Getting Started with Paypal Server SDK


An order represents a payment between two or more parties. Use the Orders API to create, update, retrieve, authorize, and capture orders., Call the Payments API to authorize payments, capture authorized payments, refund payments that have already been captured, and show payment information. Use the Payments API in conjunction with the Orders API. For more information, see the PayPal Checkout Overview., The Payment Method Tokens API saves payment methods so payers don't have to enter details for future transactions. Payers can check out faster or pay without being present after they agree to save a payment method.

The API associates a payment method with a temporary setup token. Pass the setup token to the API to exchange the setup token for a permanent token.

The permanent token represents a payment method that's saved to the vault. This token can be used repeatedly for checkout or recurring transactions such as subscriptions.

The Payment Method Tokens API is available in the US only.

Find out more here:

Install the Package

Install the gem from the command line:

gem install paypal-server-sdk -v 0.5.1

Or add the gem to your Gemfile and run bundle:

gem 'paypal-server-sdk', '0.5.1'

For additional gem details, see the RubyGems page for the paypal-server-sdk gem.

Initialize the API Client

Note: Documentation for the client can be found here.

The following parameters are configurable for the API Client:

Parameter Type Description
environment Environment The API environment.
Default: Environment.SANDBOX
connection Faraday::Connection The Faraday connection object passed by the SDK user for making requests
adapter Faraday::Adapter The Faraday adapter object passed by the SDK user for performing http requests
timeout Float The value to use for connection timeout.
Default: 60
max_retries Integer The number of times to retry an endpoint call if it fails.
Default: 0
retry_interval Float Pause in seconds between retries.
Default: 1
backoff_factor Float The amount to multiply each successive retry's interval amount by in order to provide backoff.
Default: 2
retry_statuses Array A list of HTTP statuses to retry.
Default: [408, 413, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504, 521, 522, 524]
retry_methods Array A list of HTTP methods to retry.
Default: %i[get put]
http_callback HttpCallBack The Http CallBack allows defining callables for pre and post API calls.
logging_configuration LoggingConfiguration The SDK logging configuration for API calls
client_credentials_auth_credentials ClientCredentialsAuthCredentials The credential object for OAuth 2 Client Credentials Grant

The API client can be initialized as follows:

client =
    o_auth_client_id: 'OAuthClientId',
    o_auth_client_secret: 'OAuthClientSecret'
  environment: Environment::SANDBOX,
    log_level: Logger::INFO,
      log_body: true
      log_headers: true

API calls return an ApiResponse object that includes the following fields:

Field Description
status_code Status code of the HTTP response
reason_phrase Reason phrase of the HTTP response
headers Headers of the HTTP response as a Hash
raw_body The body of the HTTP response as a String
request HTTP request info
errors Errors, if they exist
data The deserialized body of the HTTP response


The SDK can be configured to use a different environment for making API calls. Available environments are:


Name Description
Production PayPal Live Environment
Sandbox Default PayPal Sandbox Environment


This API uses the following authentication schemes.

List of APIs

Classes Documentation